In Business, Marketing

Are PR and Experiential Marketing Agencies perfect partners? We think so!

Why do brands use experiential marketing?

Experiential marketing is a reliable way to build brand awareness and brand affinity, boost brand recognition, attract new customers, and have current customers return. Additionally, It is a catalyst for word-of-mouth marketing since people enjoy sharing positive consumer experiences. Primarily, experiential marketing aims to produce memorable experiences by providing unique moments, leaving people with favorable feelings toward a brand.

70 percent of people turn into repeat customers after attending experiential marketing events. Moreover, an incredible 74 percent of consumers say they’re more likely to buy after participating in experiences and events.

Why your brand needs a PR strategy?

Simply, Digital PR increases online visibility.

By the same token, aligning with your organic marketing and paid search strategies, robust digital PR campaigns can deliver a powerful boost to your online presence. Undoubtedly, growing your brand imprint across critical markets and customer touchpoints.

The primary objective of any brand should always be to have a loyal customer base who are also brand advocates. Accordingly, PR helps a brand generate earned media placements and positive press mentions. Naturally, it can help grow consumer trust and loyalty while also grabbing potential investors’ attention.

Finally, PR is ranked among the top 10 most stressful jobs. Leave this job to the experts; the additional stress of this role is likely not worth it.

Brand Experiences and PR Strategy from a beach promotion in San DiegoThe Power of PR and Experiential Marketing Agencies

Marketers are pushing a humanistic approach to marketing; experiential marketing is the driver of success for those who adopt it well. Especially when combined with PR to maximize visibility with your target audiences. Thus, it’s a powerful combination that helps build trust and loyalty with a brand.

Additionally, your brand message is amplified with the partnership of event activation and PR promotion. This amplification works both ways. For example, the amount of content that can be created after an infield marketing activation. Likewise, a well-planned PR strategy could benefit from potential customers being able to experience your brand firsthand.

Want to know more about Experiential PR? Check out our blog, “Experiential PR – The Best of Both Worlds.”

Experiential marketing is already commonplace in the corporate world. Yet, some executives are still skeptical of the ROI from experiential marketing. Remind those skeptics that experiential marketing is used regularly in your business’s everyday practices.

Consider these Corporate Experiential Marketing examples:

  • Event marketing: retreats, business events, festivals, awards, etc.
  • Activities and kiosks at trade shows
  • Samplings or demo
  • Create social good/action

After the lockdown, we’ve become experience seekers. PR is a great marketing strategy at all times, and experiential activations drive lasting memorable experiences that can last a lifetime.

Speaking of experiences, check out Influencer MarketingHub’s “Top 16 Experiential Marketing Agencies You Should Experience.

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